Monday 27 September 2010


Sir had given us a task to do which was to analyse a tv drama of our choice which I later chose to do skins this task was very helpful to us and the skills we gained from it which was to increase our media language.

I have chosen to do 'skins' as my analysis as i had watched in 4od.

Camera shots

The camera shots for the 1st scene was a low angle shot when the boy comes out of his house which indicates the superioraty and the sun direclty shining on his face which informs us that hes the star of the 1st scene.

The camera is following him from the right side of his feet as he goes for a jog, the camera is from a low angle shot.

Cmera shots/  mise-en scene
  • The next shot of the camera shot is a wide close up of him still running .
  • The next shot of skins was  a meduim long shot to show us that the main character which indicates the main person in the shot the lighting was mainly from the sun which indicates it was a sunny day.
  • The sounds where mainly from the birds chirping in the background on the trees which the audience could see.
This was the beginning of skins (the 1st minute) which was mainly about the boy running and having a jog

1 comment:

  1. www a good start, some use of media language, shot sizes and lighting

    ebi try to be methodical in your approach, start with denotation and develop this into possible connotations of the text. You did this well at the beginning but then lost track. After this you can look at the whole, the way the shots edit together and the effect they have as a whole.
