Monday 27 September 2010

HomeStudy .....Kiddulthood

The homestudy for today is to analyse Kiddulthoods openeing scene (first 2 mins).

The Denotation of the openeing scene starts with a Bold writing titled Kiddulthood  the colour that was used was a white writing and a blag background which sated the name of the uk film drama.

The title was later followed with another denotation which was school kids playing football this was shown to set the scene and to the audience the location of the film wasa school , the location also looked like it was set in london before we got round to listening to the characters this was obvious because of the gloomy weather.

The camera was in a slow mo' as it drifted side to side as it looked at the different characters in the playground of the school which gave the audience a great vision of what and who the characters were although we could not hear any sound for the first couple of seconds we could judge through our eyes. There was a boy in a graphics classroom drilling stuff together, while this was hapening the music started playing (suspence) however this was a wide close up of the boys fingers drilling his work into place.

 Connotation : as the scene changes you can see a girl (medium long shot) talking on the phone immediatly I realised the accent , her dialogue immediatley told me that she was from east london (cockney accent).

After that shot was over we see a boy handing out flyers (medium long shot) an invatation to his party. Then there was an immediate change to kids playing football again.

The shot went back to the boy in a classroom drilling (denotation) this indicates a smart, work orientate person who loves to study the shot angle (low) was a close up .

There was a different varriety of angles as well shots in this british drama film which stated allot of different connotations as well as denotation.

1 comment:

  1. www some excellent work, you have used a variety of terms throughout and made reasoned comment on the denotations.

    ebi areas for development, accuracy of writing, more precise use of terminology, exploring editing and how meaning is created.
