Thursday 30 September 2010

Todays lesson-4 lessons ....30th sep 2010

In todays lesson we were doing filming in the CLC ( city learning centre).

We were looking at different angles and shots to do for our filming. We got into two groups which i had 4 members in mine.

In this group we were looking at the lighting as well as the shots/angles sizes. We learn about the rule of thirds which sir talked about to us as a whole group, this means when you split shots into third

Monday 27 September 2010

HomeStudy ..... Opening script

Wide shot angle which sets the scene/location. With different types of furniture chairs/tables.

High angle shot shows everything below whats around the area .

A low angle shot as the person comes through the door  looking straight ahead with a normal to happy reaction.

High angle shot looking at the person who was already sitting their with a joyace facial expression as if happy to see the othe person.

As they sit down the together the camera looks at both with a wide angle shot as to indicate the love between them as friends.

As the two friends just smile at eachother the camera circulates the room as to say theirs nothing more important than the friendship of these two characters.

HomeStudy .....Kiddulthood

The homestudy for today is to analyse Kiddulthoods openeing scene (first 2 mins).

The Denotation of the openeing scene starts with a Bold writing titled Kiddulthood  the colour that was used was a white writing and a blag background which sated the name of the uk film drama.

The title was later followed with another denotation which was school kids playing football this was shown to set the scene and to the audience the location of the film wasa school , the location also looked like it was set in london before we got round to listening to the characters this was obvious because of the gloomy weather.

The camera was in a slow mo' as it drifted side to side as it looked at the different characters in the playground of the school which gave the audience a great vision of what and who the characters were although we could not hear any sound for the first couple of seconds we could judge through our eyes. There was a boy in a graphics classroom drilling stuff together, while this was hapening the music started playing (suspence) however this was a wide close up of the boys fingers drilling his work into place.

 Connotation : as the scene changes you can see a girl (medium long shot) talking on the phone immediatly I realised the accent , her dialogue immediatley told me that she was from east london (cockney accent).

After that shot was over we see a boy handing out flyers (medium long shot) an invatation to his party. Then there was an immediate change to kids playing football again.

The shot went back to the boy in a classroom drilling (denotation) this indicates a smart, work orientate person who loves to study the shot angle (low) was a close up .

There was a different varriety of angles as well shots in this british drama film which stated allot of different connotations as well as denotation.


Sir had given us a task to do which was to analyse a tv drama of our choice which I later chose to do skins this task was very helpful to us and the skills we gained from it which was to increase our media language.

I have chosen to do 'skins' as my analysis as i had watched in 4od.

Camera shots

The camera shots for the 1st scene was a low angle shot when the boy comes out of his house which indicates the superioraty and the sun direclty shining on his face which informs us that hes the star of the 1st scene.

The camera is following him from the right side of his feet as he goes for a jog, the camera is from a low angle shot.

Cmera shots/  mise-en scene
  • The next shot of the camera shot is a wide close up of him still running .
  • The next shot of skins was  a meduim long shot to show us that the main character which indicates the main person in the shot the lighting was mainly from the sun which indicates it was a sunny day.
  • The sounds where mainly from the birds chirping in the background on the trees which the audience could see.
This was the beginning of skins (the 1st minute) which was mainly about the boy running and having a jog

HomeStudy !

The different types of media used :
  • Radio
  • TV
  • Internet
  • Newspaper
  • Magazine
The reasons why media is used by so many people the young, the old is because of form of enetertainment, a form of escape from routin or problems and emotional release, social utility as well as self-reference and reality exploration and much, much more.

These past four day i have been doing a lot of media research of what kind of media people tend to use, such as reading my books, watching tv, reading newspaper/magazines. I have also been on the internet each day to do my work for all my subjects and to self-refernce my work and have a clear knowlege whats going arnound me such reading newspapers would definetly a form of exploration of reading about different information.

All these different methods of media are very much needed in everyday life there is not media used .

Thursday 23 September 2010

Answering questions on the video.

What did you find most difficult in planning ?

The most difficult thing in the planning were the sketching's we had to do before we had started filming.

What was the most successful part of your filming and why?

The most successful part of my filming was the organising the characters and directing the film as we had already discussed it in the planning before the starting of the filming.

What was the effect of the restriction of having no dialogue to tell story ?

The effects were having the audience who are watching the film to look at different shot sizes as well as the angles and the impact it has of telling the story without any dialogue.

What did you learn form editing the film ?

I have learnt that editing a film is not as easy as it seems you need to learn the scenes of by heart before organising it into the shots that you want, the skills needed to produce the filming needs a more high skilled IT literate person to handle the shot or scenes.

What will you do differently next time?

I would definetly do more various types of angles of shooting the film and this would more diffiicult but more rewarding at the end.  <..........Amira &Simona's Editing ..............>

Thursday 9 September 2010

AS Media lesson - 2nd Lesson

In this lesson we had watched a short series called " Mad Men" which we had looked at different shots as well as scenes of the 'drama series' Mad men we analysed the different shots of the lighting the background and much more.

Firstly we had analysed the different camera positions which we have found out there was only one camera shooting for the whole series which M.r holloway pointed out to us which was unbeknown to us at the time.

Secondly we had scrutinised the focus of the camera and of the audience which were the depth of field, this portion of the scene appears acceaptably sharp although the lense could focus at only one distance.

We had also learnt about the 180 degree rule. Sir explained about this rule which is beneficial and much needed rule in the media such as film and soaps this rule is basic for film making that states that two characters in the same scene should always have the same left/right relationship to eachother if the camera passes the imaginay axis it is called crossing the line , this term is also called the axis line as well as the line of action. As study i have researched a video which would help me understand more about the 180 degree rule even more than intended so I watched this video on youtube .

While watching 'Mad Men' the American dramatic television series which was created and directed by 'Mathew Weiner' it was set in the 1960's whilst watching this we were looking out for the makeup and the wardrobe for the opening scene which was the first 4 minutes of the series .

In the opening scene we were discussing the makeup of don and how well he was groomed we had thought about this very much on how he was the manager and this why they mad him look even more groomed than the reporter which was reprting him at the the opening scen

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Media leason 1 - 07/09/2010

The first lesson in AS media we had studied -


  • Radio - LBC   =  Product

  • TV - SOAP opera = Eastenders  = Product

  • Newspaper = ok magazine =  Product

In this lesson we had also scrutinised ' HOW' , 'WHY' the media was used. In our first media AS lesson we summarised the types of questions we had about media in teams of groups of three which later was transferred to the board by Mr holloway the questions we had came up with as a group were the followings:

  • How we use the media 
  •  How media  has an impact in the world around us
  • How we veiw people
  • How media conveys information
  • Who is inolved in making the media
  • Who the audiences are
  • Why do we use the media
  • Why do people make media
  • Who is shown by the media and how they are :

Three main groupings for what we loosley call the media

 PrintNewspaper & Media : Articles,stories, images and words.

Audio-visual : Tv -
                       : Radio
                       : film

E-media :  Tv 
                 :  Internet
                 :  Technology