Monday 4 April 2011

BFI -Trip

In this trip we went to the library (BFI- British Film Institution) of working title films we were asked to individually research about diffirent films before we got there i was asked to research about -A serious man- the ways in which the research would be done was to find the topic of research such as the reveiw of the film (A serious Man) after choosing the topic of research we were asked to find out background information about the working title film by doing this we had looked at many different books to familiarise ourselves with the particular film.

A serious man was made in 2009 it was produced by Joel and Ethan coen. The film starred a well-known actor Micheal Stuhlbarg who played as a jewish man who's life crumbles both proffessionally and personally, who had questioned about his Religion/Faith.

Awards /Nominations-

  • Golden Globes nomination for Stuhlbarg -Institution
  •  American Film Institute's and National Board of Reviews Top 10 Film Lists of 2009
  • Nomination Academy for best picture
  • Coen brothers were awareded Best original screenplay at the 2009 National Board of Reviews Awards.
A Serious Man - Trailer

A Serious Man

Plot Summary

Professor Michael Stuhlbarg (Larry Gopnik)'s seemingly stable life is falling apart: His wife has announced she's leaving him for his colleague, his teenage children are pilfering money from his wallet, his brother refuses to move out of his house and get a job and one of his students is trying to blackmail him. In an attempt to gain advice on how to turn things around, Gopnik seeks advice from three rabbis.

Release date

October 2, 2009 (USA)


Ethan Coen and Joel Coen

Executive Producers

Time Bevan and Eric Fellner


Focus Features


Less than $20 Million



In the US box office it made £9.2M

In Researchiung about the about the Reviews of A Serious Man i have found out it was extremely hard for them to figure the Target Audience who had this to say " which category does it fall into? Tough to say. This is, most certainly, not a film for everyone. It is thick and dense and personal, a painful look at a man having a crisis not just of faith but of life, a Jewish edition of the Book of Job, whose ending befuddles even the most pious devotee of the brothers brand of cinema. It's hard to imagine who the target audience is, exactly".

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant. Well done Amira. Keep up this level of work. It will definitely help with the forthcoming exam.
