Tuesday 15 February 2011

Planning on the evaluation

* We are going to do our evaluation all on the Wix.
*To make it more interesting we will have some parts of it written down and a lot of pictures to support our point. Also we might do a voice over to make it easier  and more interesting for the examiner/teacher to look at.
* We should do some parts of the evaluation individually, as it would let us save up some time. at the end we could all look at each others work and correct it together.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Tv drama - Cranford -Representation/Social Class

In Cranford i have realised that there were three characters of women who were working class and the beginning of the TV  drama we see there house which was a very small cottage which denotes their social class as a working class they were servants to a house which looked like a mansion as we do not see the owners of the house we assume that they are wealthy and come from an upper class.

The two ladies in the kitchen were admiring a lace they were very happy and excited by it which denoted their social class. From a long shot of the camera we saw another servant who was washing/hanging clothes up on the hangers. When the two working classes were talking the cat jumped up on the table and started drinking the butter milk which they had poured on to the lace to keep it white as possible.

When they had realised that the cat had drunk the milk and swallowed the lace they got very annoyed and started cursing here we see a representation of the working class as they would normally act. The two working class ladies were dressed in a a long/dirty dress which denotes their social class.

When they had run out of the house and chased the women inside the carriage we see the camera angles position from up to the lady and come back down to the two working classes as to say the lady in the carriage which was being carried by two men who were costumed very down the sound was very verbal because they were talking during this shot. Here we see a specific class because we see there is no means of transport such as Horse and Carriage like the upper class. This lighting was very dark, this suggested it was shot in the earlier years.

The dialogue of Cranford is quite articulate in a very knowelegable tone when the two men were in the shot after the two ladies were running, two men who were doctors , the sound was diegetic the shot was a very long shot to show us their social class and their costume was dressed very upper class and there tone of voice was very articulate and thought of. Their sense of costume was a long black Jacket with long top hats to suggest they were upper class and the camera angels were kept on their area the whole time to suggest they were the important characters of the shot.